Kill Team - "Operation Hivestorm" Preview Analysis
The highly anticipated (and content-rich) preview of Operation Hivestorm has finally aired.
Just note that the measuring tools have "lost" their symbols.
They now only display numbers in inches.
Twitch Preview Link: The Warhammer Preview Show: Operation Hivestorm
Article Link: The Warhammer Preview Show: Operation Hivestorm
Now, let's carefully analyze all the news they provided. To make it easier to read, I'll summarize everything in lists so the article is as clear and structured as possible.
Note: I will skip everything related to the setting lore to avoid overloading the reading. There will certainly be opportunities to address it later.
- The new edition (confirmed to not be just a new season) will be previewed in September and released in October.
- the rules for ALL factions will be released for free on Day 1. Additionally, these documents will be "living," meaning they will be updated and/or modified over time if necessary.
- There will be some rule changes for existing miniatures (no further details were provided at this time).
- The "game language" has been partially reworked to make Kill Team more accessible ("Accessible" was the keyword of the livestream).
- The core rulebook will be immediately available in a "softcover" version in the box, but it will also be available later in a "hardcover" version.
- The Hivestorm Dossier, on the other hand, will only be found within the Hivestorm box.
The images are quite self-explanatory, and we'll analyze some things further later on.Just note that the measuring tools have "lost" their symbols.
They now only display numbers in inches.
- There will be a "soft reboot" of the core rules compared to the current edition, still aimed at making the game more accessible.
- In addition to the classic 1 vs 1 mode, there will be two other modes: Solo and Co-op. In these modes (possibly similar to those seen in the Darktide rulebook), it will be possible to play missions in a sort of PvE like in a classic board game.
Additionally, it seems that more missions for these two modes will be released over time.
- The Approved Operations card deck (considered an upgrade for competitive play) will be available both within the box and separately.
As seen in the preview, it will feature several changes (see photo).
Not only has the scouting step changed, but it will also include 6 matched layouts for the three reference killzones: Volkus, Gallowdark, and Bheta Decima (it seems diagonal deployments have been removed - Editor's Note).
Additionally, there will always be an active Tac Op during the mission: Kill Op.
This, according to the designer, will reward players' aggressiveness by awarding VP based on the quantity and quality of incapacitated enemy models.
- The Equipment Upgrade Pack will be considered part of the Essential Kit for the new edition of Kill Team.
In addition to faction-specific equipment, there will be a list of "universal" equipment for all teams. As a result, players can spend equipment points to deploy terrain elements like mines, ladders, barricades, etc.
- 11 models (10 Tempestus + 1 Gun Sentinel)
- They have an ability that allows 2/3 of their models to deploy in "deep strike."
These models are considered outside the killzone, and instead, "drop markers" are placed in their place.
When it's time to activate the operative in "deep strike," the player can decide whether to deploy the operative or move the drop marker. - The Precursor can resolve two attack dice before the defender and perform a dash.
- The Grenadier will have several types of grenades, including a melta bomb.
- The Gunfighter can shoot at two different targets and perform a shooting action even when in Engagement.
- The Servo-Sentry will be more durable than human operatives, can shoot twice, and will be equipped with a Hot-shot Volley Gun.
- 11 models (10 Vespid + 1 drone)
- The entire team will have FLY.
- Their Neutron Blasters have crystals that enhance when the Vespid move by flying. As a result, they "shoot better when they move."
- The team has a mechanic related to Communion Points.
Essentially, the player must accumulate these points and spend them to perform "tactical and rational" actions with the operatives. - The Shadestrain will not be visible if it is more than 6" away from the operative intending to target it.
- The Swamguard can leave a trail of flames in the area it has flown over.
- The Skyblast can create radioactive zones that damage operatives within them.
- Killzone Volkus will be "the killzone for the year."
This statement suggests that we won't see any other killzones during the next season, as was the case with ITD and Bheta Decima.
Personally, I'd like to know if the previous open killzones (Octarius, Chalnath, Nachmund, and Moroch) will still be officially usable in a matched play context or if they will be abandoned. - It consists of new scenic elements except for the two ruins and two walls from Vertigus.
That's all for now.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the revelations from this preview and hope to learn more as soon as possible!
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